Life is when you feel it, die is when you don't feel your life. Feel. Enjoy. Live.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

it just started, the unique parts of life..

yup.. it just started, the unique parts of life.. hari ini neh, inspired from so many blogs out there, gue bikin blog gue juga.. plagiat? ikut2an?? aji mumpung??? iya juga sih, 'coz i'm quite that kind of person. waktu ngeliat webnya husen ( woy, balikin majalah gue! ), gue juga kepengen buat bikin kaya gitu. tapi apa daya ilmu gue ga mampu. And because the simplest 'cool techy thing' I could make is a blog ( step-by-step gitu lho, udah ada templatenya lagi ), so I decided to make this blog. Tapi sori aja kalo gue mungkin ga bisa sering2 bgt ngisi eni blog, 'coz ( tanpa ada maksud untuk menyombongkan diri ) gue lumayan sibuk, jadi rada susah bagi waktu buat ngisi eni blok. So, that's all. Stay tune. ( emang tipi?? )


Blogger Gita M. Sumitra said...

lutfyy... pakabar?? just dropped by to say 'hye'.. diup8 trus ya blognya..

6:54 PM


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