Life is when you feel it, die is when you don't feel your life. Feel. Enjoy. Live.

Monday, May 30, 2005


tto ( salah, yang bener too ) many things happened since my last post. let me story it one by one.

first, i got the replacement competition for the debating contest. hum, it's the english thingking skill contest held by the BBC. god bless me, eventhough i'm not a BBC student, i could join the contest, with a bit of connection of course. yahh, its usual lhaa.. it's the function of socializing isn't it?
and you know what? i got passed the first round easily ( ahh.. tepu.. ), hoho.. great huh?
and you know what 'gain, i got passed the final round easily ( ahh.. what a real buls***t! ) again... hoho, alhamdulillah dwonkz... and then, it comes.. the grand final ( ude kaya indonesian idol wae.. ), o em ji, it was time for presentation.. hwalah, i couldn't imagine if i didn't get the sociology in class.. how could i made the paper? coz' the topic was juvenile delinquency ( kenakalan anak gitu loh.. ), and i said more than one time in ma presentation, " according to the sociology book.. ", and so and so.. and then.. i won. ahh.. not really, coz i got the third place. it was quite good wasn't it? coz the otha finalist were in the third grade, and i'm still in the tenth ( a.k.a first ) grade.. equal?? no. and the scale was jabodetabek. so it's such an achievement isn't it. alhamdulillah lha..
but one thing i would criticize, why there were nobody from ma school who gave their attention to my contest? it's such a discrimination isn' t it?coz most of the competitor from ma school will have at least one guide teacher accompanying them, but not me. ahh.. don't they ever understand that their school ( ma school ) don't have too many english achievement? it's alway science, science, and science competition.. boring.. and it's usually gotten by the third year.. not the tenth year.. allahh.. memang sekolah yang aneh..
ok, so the points are.. be patient

the second, i got an nu phone! wow, it's shocking me! winning the contest, got the pride prize, plus the nu motorola e398, cool isn't it? well, half of them bought with ma money, and half otha with my parents'.

third, busy busy and busy. oh, it's the end of the year. the king of all business. get ready bro!